Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Counting Down + Closing a Chapter

So the due date is nine days away, which would seem like an accomplishment - hitting single digits - but our babe may need some help.  We scheduled a tentative induction based on our doctor's recommendation for August 18th and will begin that evening with a dose of Cervidil.  Time will tell if Hudson will surprise us over the next week (fingers crossed), or if he'll decide to vacate on the 18th or the next day.  Regardless we will meet him very soon!

To answer the question many friends, family, and complete strangers have - yes, any day now. :) If I don't sound anxious to answer that question it's because labor hasn't started and the days feel like weeks, weeks feel like months, etc.  I swear I'll let you know if we are at the hospital, but until then, please just send good thoughts our way, or catch me up on what's going in your world! And for anyone who thinks it's okay to have mouth vomit when speaking to a pregnant lady, please refrain and just smile.  I've heard my fair share of c-section and late-term miscarriage stories (seriously people?), as well as insults primarily along the lines of how much I must eat, and that there must be twins in there.  Unless a pregnant lady looks like a priest ready to hear your confessions I guess it's okay, but I've never met a pregnant priest.

Enough with the partially sarcastic rant and onto my very pregnant world.  Since I took on the stay-at-home role early post-Master's degree, we are more than ready for baby.  Days are slow and boring - mainly consisting of a walk, laundry, cooking, lounging, occasionally the pool, and living vicariously through Adam's day.

Over the past week we've been to some of Kansas City's best restaurants.  Starting with a few we had never been to (Novel and Rye) as well as an all-time favorite (Garozzo's).  The pictures below not only show our love for food, but also our growing family (look at my waistline, it just keeps expanding!).

Novel, a new restaurant in the Westside KC neighborhood (17th + Summit), has incredible food.  Luckily we were with Mike + Kristy, otherwise I'm not sure we would have patience for the slow front of the house service.

Holy moly, I'm huge!  Doing my best to make these big days as comfortable as possible and special.  Putting on a nice dress goes a long way in making me feel better about my physical appearance.  And Adam does a great job of making me feel beautiful by looking past my swollen-ness and reminding me of the miracle I'm growing inside.

Rye has fantastic home-cooked Southern food.  It is one of Leawood/South Kansas City (suburbs) gems - so happy we got to try it before baby!

Garozzo's never ever disappoints.  It is so wonderful that we failed to take a picture - we were that consumed with our food, and afterwards, we were too full (definite food-coma) to even think about a photo.  Luckily we caught up with and had a few laughs with Mr. Garozzo + Gina.  G gave Hudson these shirts a few weeks back, but I thought it was only fitting to add a picture of them to this post.  We are confident our babe will have pasta sauce down the front of these adorable shirts in no time.

So as the countdown dwindles, I'm reminded of how close I am to no longer feeling those sweet little kicks that make pregnancy so special.  I am sure if we are blessed with more children I will relish in the same feelings, but that experience will be different.  Different because all of the anticipation, anxiousness, and unknown of being a first time mom (FTM) will be behind me. 

This chapter of life has been an emotional one, especially since our blessing was a surprise.  As my mother reminded me last night, Saint Rita is always a thought away.  As I patiently wait for contractions to begin I will be directing my prayers to her - she is the Saint of the Impossible, my patron saint, and the woman my amazing Grandmother was named after.  Grandma and Saint Rita will be my strength in the weeks ahead, and I know Hudson will always have both of them watching over him forever and always.

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